Sunday 15 November 2009

What is the digital literacy

Digital literacy is the ability to read, write, and evaluate infomation that is available on the internet to serve our goal.
The video clip below will give us more clarification of the digital literacy.


Our world today is a digital technology world. Understanding and being able to use digital technology effectively will bring us a lot of advantages to reach our goal of work. There are 7 components of digital literacy that we should carry along while working on digital information.

Quality Assurance Literacy

This literacy is about the professionalism and quality of the information content that have been published on the internet. In the technology world today, there are many tools that enhance the display of information, which partially covers the lack of quality of information content. Be able to recognise this will lead us to achieve the goal of quality information that we need.

Moderation and self-regulation literacy

This literacy is the ability to realize the limit in using digital devices to avoid IFS - Information Fatigue Syndrome (researched by Reuters). There are many poor stories happened around the world caused by net addiction. A lot of people have become victims of the explosion of digital technologies (net, chat, game online). Therefore, the strategy for using the digital media with discretion and moderation is needed in order to avoid becoming dataoholics.



Socio-emotional literacy

This component refers to the sociological and emotional skills of communication in digital environment. In the digital technology world today, tons of information are on our hand just after only one lick; however, not all of them are good. The socio-emotional literacy skill helps us to realize what is good and what is bad from information in digital world; so, we can draw conclusion to serve our work. People who possess this skill can also protect themselves from dangers for interacting on the internet.
Chat rooms, instant messengers, online network, or forums are environments that need socio-emotional literacy skills. In these situations, people can easily hide their real identities between each other. However, it will bring much convenience to us for the work from these utilities if we are able to classify the information.



Saturday 14 November 2009

Information Literacy

Information literacy is the ability to know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use that information for the issue or problem at hand.
It became very important because we are surrounded by tons of information in all formats. Not all information is created equally. Some is biased, out of date, misleading and false. So, people might need critical thinking skills to determine whether the information found is accurate, reliable, and valid.



Lateral Literacy

Lateral literacy is also known as lateral multidirectional thinking. This literacy involves discarding the obvious, leaving behind traditional modes of thoughts, and enabling individuals or group of people to think creatively, generating ton of ideas, or "outside the box". It became very important in the business world because it allowed people to use inspiration and imagination to solve problems by looking at them from unexpected perspectives.

The challenge for this example is to connect the 9 dots using four straight lines or less, without lifting the pen or pencil from the page.

Reproduction Literacy

Reproduction literacy is a type of digital literacy in which a person uses existing texts, images, or audio and creates a new interpretation. This literacy enables individuals to put new thoughts or ideas for the old work and increase a person's creativity as well.
