Thursday 12 November 2009

Photo-Visual Literacy

Photo-Visual Literacy

Photo-visual literacy is one of human kind's most important and powerful methods to communicate. Since we all have ton of ideas stored in our small brain and so we need to communicate them with each other. Along with the regular style of verbal communication there is a trend of visual communication taking over all the modes of communication. It surrounds us and became an essential part of our everyday lives in applications such as photography, video, film, advertising, painting, sculpture, street signs, etc.

Nowadays, photo-visual literacy is a worldwide language for everyone to understand.

  • It helps people to meet their needs; for example, a sign over the washroom door helps people to decide which washroom to use
  • It makes life easier for people; for example, to find the mailbox, and to find the LRT station
  • It keeps people safe all the time which helps to avoid car accident and traffic jams


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